Friday, September 23, 2011

September adventures...

Things have been a bit crazy this month because my show finally opened and I have been at the theatre a ton. Now that I finally have a little time to myself I thought I'd give you all a little update on our adventures this month...

It has been getting colder out here but that hasn't stopped us from going to the park at least two times a day. Just like Katalyn talked about in her last blog post, rain or shine we end up going on walks and playing outside. The cooler weather has been nice because I finally get to put Zoey in her cute winter hats and sweaters. She loves to play on the slide down at the park while coco goes searching for bunnies in the field. There is one thing Zoey does not love at the park...swings! If I even take her near the swings she holds onto me for dear life and starts whimpering. Here are a few pictures from our two hour park excursion yesterday.

As you can see, they weren't happy I made them wait.

Another fun perk that comes from the cooler weather is cute winter jammies! Zoey has some super cute sleepwear I have been dying to put on her, but it was too warm until now. I love this set because it has the face of a bear on the tush. So Cute! I'm lucky she is small for her age and I can put her in the cute six month winter jammies I thought she'd be too big for.

Zoey is walking now! She prefers crawling, but she will walk all the way across the room if you can convince her to do it. I tried to take some videos of her standing and walking, but they didn't turn out so good. I'll post them because she is cute...just don't expect too much action.

Well, other than the 40ish lbs I have lost since December...yes I said 40...not much else has been going on. I'll try to post more often now that the show is wrapping up. Here are just a few random pics for the road!

This is the before picture of our house. Once I finish my fall decorating I will post and after pic.

Friday, September 9, 2011

My top 10

I have been thinking about all of the things in my life that I am lucky to have and I thought I'd share it with the world...or at least the few of you who read our blog. :)

10. Aside from a couple of minor problems (aka my bad eye) I have my health.

9. Having several members of my family who live eight hours away or less

8. I am lucky to have the world's best in laws (sisters and brothers and their children included in that). I have been lucky enough to have these great people in my life.

7. Having wonderful friends who live just a day trip away...that includes you Brad and Erica!

6. I am lucky enough to have the chance to do what I love the most...perform. I am so happy that we live in a place where I can use the talents that God has given me.

5. We are lucky to have a place to live, food to eat, and a steady paycheck. There are so many people right now who aren't so lucky and so I consider our family blessed.

4. Support. I have wonderful sisters who have been hugely supportive during my weight loss journey and I can't thank them enough for helping me have the strength to continue.

3. Coco! She is the best dog we could have ever wished for and she takes such good care of us...especially her pal Zoey.

2. The Gospel. I feel so blessed to be a part of our church and feel the peace and comfort that it brings into my life. Nothing compares to the unconditional love of my Heavenly Father. (Lumped into this one are the scriptures and the temple and all other "churchy" things)

1. My family! I have such a wonderful husband and daughter and each and every day they bring so much joy into my life. I cant imagine life without them and I am looking forward to the many memories we will make with each other.

So there you have it! These are a few of the many things I am happy to have in my life. I'll post tomorrow about what is going on around here and how the show is going. Love to you all!

P.S. I was able to find the pics that I thought were lost forever so here are some of the baby food photos I mentioned in the last post.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Sorry I have been lazy about posting the past few weeks! Between the show and ZoeyI don't have much extra free time. I have lots of fun videos and pics to post today so lets get right to it...

Zoey has really been having a blast at meal time so I decided to takes some pics of her many eating adventures. Boy does this kid love to get messy! (I can't get the font to match the rest of the post so oops!)

We took this with Billy's iphone so it's a little blurry, but you can still see the happy little messy baby!

She has also been trying to feed herself as of late and, as you can see, food gets EVERYWHERE!

No matter how messy things get she still manages to look like a little lady. So cute! Since our little princess loves eating so much I have taken to making homemade baby food so that we spend less in that department. Here are some pics from my baby food adventure. Wait...I just loaded my pictures onto iphoto, deleted the originals, and then an error occurred and now they are gone forever! That makes me very sad since I had about 50 pictures of Zoey, the flooding, baby food, and Zoey's nursery. I guess you will just have to use your imagination this time!

Moving on I guess...Zoey, Billy, Coco, and I have been having a blast walking all over the neighborhood and taking coco to the dog park (see pic below). All of these activities make her a messy baby so we always make sure to give her a bath at the end of the day (see other pic below). She loves getting into the warm water and playing with the bath toys her pal Gina gave to her. She is just the happiest baby and I love hanging out with her every day.

Billy has been busy as well. A few weekends ago he volunteered to participate in some sort of exercise for the medical people and he got to have some pretty gross makeup put on him. On my birthday weekend he volunteered at the air show and ended up getting a pretty bad case of food poisoning. After a few days feeling pretty crummy he is now back to feeling healthy.

As for me? Well, I am still busy rehearsing for Children of Eden. Our show opens next weekend, so let me know if you want to come! As far as my diet is concerned...I have now lost 25 lbs in the last 2 1/2 months and I am feeling great! I feel better and better every day and soon I think I am going to need to buy some new clothes!

Zoey has woken up from her nap so I guess I should go and get her. Sorry for the scattered thoughts and lack of pictures. Until next time!

P.S. Don't you love her "just woke up from a nap" hair in the second video?!?!